Monday 2 September 2013

Writing in Role ( Piece 2)

Well this is just brilliant isn't it, i knew i should have waited for a boy, why did i let Lucinda rush me into choosing a girl, what about when i die and i need the business to keep moving forward, how could i pass it down to a girl, they don't have what it takes to run a business and what about when she marry? what about the straws then, there will no longer be a darling in control. A defect ay, well i certainly did not pay for this, i shall be straight round to Allan's office tomorrow and shall be making an official complaint. I want a full refund, in fact i want more than a refund. I was compensation, at least 25% off a replacement baby should do nicely. A boy, ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes. I shall have to keep this quiet to my friends, what would they think of me if they found out my baby was deformed. What if they think it was me? what if they think my thin sperm was to blame. Oh no this cant happen, i must get round to the hospital right away and have the little cow rid of.

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