Monday 2 September 2013

Writing in role ( PIECE 1)

Whilst i was at home today, Lucinda was busy pressing my suit for a very important meeting with a big time client tomorrow, I received a letter for the government, informing me of a new class system they said was to soon be introduced. It did not explain how it works much or even how many classes there were, all it told me was me and Lucinda were in class 3. I'm not an genius or anything but i am guessing class 3 is the top class, hence why i am there, it must be class 3 at the top and 1 and the bottom. It has to be, acceding order for acceding people. I personally think its a brilliant idea, keep those that aren't worthy of speaking too away from me. Hope it does not effect the business though, now we are mixing with the 1's i hope this means i can still do business with them however, some of my best customers are at the bottom of society. A man of note like myself must be relocated to the countryside or something, scenic country views every morning, the site of baby lams everyday, i wouldn't be surprised if we are issued a VIP golf course. Those poor people in the lower classes must all be moving into the city, where its noisy and congested. Oh this is perfect, hopefully Lucinda can move with me,  with me being the main income an all, if she cant it would be very unfortunate but sacrifices would have to be made.  Who thought id make it this far today, top class citizen, CEO of a top manufacturing company, thank god my straw split all those years ago and i noticed the falling standard of drinking utensils.

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