Tuesday 3 September 2013

Nazism in world war 2

Brief Explanation of Nazism.


The Nazi Party was a political group that ruled Germany between 1933 and 1945. “Nazi” is a short form of the official name. In English the official name is the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Under Hitler's leadership, the Nazis started world war 2. They also carried out the Holocaust—the murder of about 6 million Jewish people. Nazi Germany was a 'totalitarian' state, meaning that the Nazi government recognized no ends to their authority, would restrict public and private life whenever possible, and would create personality cults whenever possible through propaganda and completely biased media. Nazi Germany was made up of a lot of young German men who felt angry and had been brainwashed into believing that Jews were the cause of Germany problems and struggles.
File:Parteiadler der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (1933–1945) (vector version).svg
This is the symbol of the Nazi party, at the bottom of the eagle there is the swastika symbol. The Swastika is an ancient solar symbol that has been used by many cultures going back at least 3000 years. It has been found used by the Celts in northern Europe and by the Greeks as early has 1000 BCE. In India the symbol has been used since Vedic times. It is most commonly seen as an ancient Aryan symbol. Nazi Germany did not invent the symbol, but only borrowed it in order to show the "Aryan" roots of their new German state.
The Holocaust
The Holocaust began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. It ended in 1945 when Allied powers defeated the Nazis. At the beginning the Jews were given a new set of rules, for example they were not allowed to marry German citizens and were forced to live in ghetto's where they would slowly wait for there turn to be taken to an concentration camp where they would be exterminated. In the larger ghetto's up to 1,000 Jews a day would be taken by train to a concentration camp. Jews would be forced to wear a yellow star in order to identify themselves, making it easier for the German soldiers to recognize them. 1 million people were killed during the Holocaust (1.1 million children). 6 million of those victims were Jewish. Other groups targeted by the Nazis were Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, disabled people, and Gypsies. After World war 2 ended it was said that two thirds of the Jewish population had been executed by Nazi's. The main concentration camp in Nazi Germany was Auschwitz which at some points was exterminating up to 6,000 Jewish people a day.
Jewish Men in the Auschwitz waiting to be executed.

How Nazism and the Holocaust relates to 'Ten tiny fingers, Nine tiny toes'
Just like in the holocaust where the Jews were forced to live in poor conditions, the same can be seen in ten tiny fingers with the section fives. We know that in ten tiny fingers, class 5's are not allowed to breed at all, this means that eventually class 5's will die out all together as they will not be reproducing. Although in the holocaust they were physically killed rather than left to die out this is still similar in the way of, in the long run they shall die out due to not being considered worthy of living by those in power.

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