Tuesday 3 September 2013


Playing Ralph 
I wanted to play the part of Ralph as i knew it was a big step up from Hanschen in the last show that we did, i felt that i was up to the challenge and would be able to take on the role effectively, that's why i decided to audition for this part. I was happy when i found out i had received the part but found it a little hard to play, i was not able to look online for inspiration as when i looked there seemed to be no other performances on the internet. When i played Hanschen however i was able to look on YouTube at Broadway and West end performances to get an idea as to how the part was previously played.
Scene Analyses
Ski Slopes- This was the opening scene for Ten tiny fingers and involved only me and Eva. In this scene Lucinda found out that Ralph cheated on her with a young Japanese women whilst away on holiday. Of course Lucinda is very angry with Ralph but he cannot understand this and feels he really has done nothing wrong. I found this scene difficult to begin with and seemed to have a problem remembering the order of the lines. I found it difficult to act whilst trying to carry the props as they were awkward and heavy, there was not many places to lean them without it looking strange. I felt that in the end this scene went well overall, however next time id probably slow my lines down even further and put more effort into a costume, as i was wearing suit trousers on a ski slope. I left it to the last minute to find my costume and unfortunately i could not find half of what i needed in time, during the rehearsal i had no skiing equipment and had to quickly go and pick some up before the show began.
Buying a baby-This was the second scene that Ralph was in, the other people in this scene were Eva and Carl, i found this scene enjoyable as it was not too difficult to play, also for some reason with this scene i seemed to be able to remember my lines easier than during any other scene. Because at a lot of  times Ralph was not speaking in this scene i had to think about my facial expressions at all time, not just my speaking. I found the hug with Eva awkward, every angle we tried looked too forceful or fake. However after trial and error we found a way of making it look quite good. This hug was important as it showed the relationship between these two characters.
The church- This was the scene where the baby is inserted into Lucinda. This scene was very heavy and without the comedy coming through it would be a very boring and difficult scene to watch for the audience. When we first began to rehearse i personally felt that everyone, including myself was not able to show this humor and the scene was very boring and slow. The judge needed to display more campness and everyone needed to react just a little bit more. During this scene there is a lot of sitting and standing around whilst only Millie spoke. This standing around made it difficult not to break character as when your doing nothing its hard not to just relax. In the end i felt that this scene went a lot better that in rehearsals, After being prompted by miss Will was able to bring the judge's camp personality out a lot better, this made the scene look and flow better. There is not too much i would do differently if i was to re-look at this scene due to the fact that my character didn't actually say or do much.
Visiting Lucinda in Hospital- This is the scene that Ralph has found out that his baby is carrying a defect and goes to confront Lucinda about it in hospital. I found that this scene was not difficult as it was not too long. However during rehearsals i left it so late to learn my lines i spent all my time learning the first half of the script and so come this scene i literally had the day before the performance to learn my lines. This was difficult and i don't plan on doing it again. This scene had one particular line which i could not get right, i kept getting the order of this single line wrong, and then due to panic i would go blank and forget the rest of the lines for the scene. Because Ralph had a lot of anger in this scene i had to show this by moving about in the hospital and throwing my weight around, not paying attention to the fact that Lucinda was pregnant. All in all i felt that this scene went well.
Visiting Pete- This is the scene where Ralph goes to visit Pete in the section 5 area to discuss purchasing his baby. I found that in this scene i had to think of certain physical things to do that showed the audience that Ralph did not want to be in a section 5 area. For example, i would wipe my hands on a clothe after touching things in Pete's house. I would also use my foot to go through his things, showing i have little respect for his things. Me and Jake kept skipping a  big chunk of the dialogue in this scene. I think that during the actual performances we skipped this same chunk all three nights by accident, and so if i was to re-look at this scene again that would be something i would look at. Despite this i feel that this scene did not go too bad, the acting was off in places.
Golf Course- This scene i found the most difficult out of all of them, not because of the actual acting, its the fact that in  one scene i had to quickly change out of a suit and into a polo t shirt and golfing costume, not only was this difficult but i barely knew the lines, i was more following the story and fitting the lines around that. At one point during this scene, Lewis forgot his queue line and we were left with an elongated pause, due to this i quickly had to think of a line to say that would fit without making it obvious to the audience. Despite my cast mates admitting to me that they barely knew this scene well i felt that it on the whole did not go bad.
Final Hospital Scene- This is the final scene, there is not too much going on in this scene, although a lot of people are in this scene. This scene is broken into two half's, before baby Peter is presented and after. Before hand its just me and Dot and Lucinda, my first line is 'your holding my wife's hand' however on the third night when i walked onto the stage, Lucinda and Dot were not holding hands and so i had to adapt what i say in order to stop it from looking weird and incorrect. There is also a black out halfway through this scene and after the blackout is where i come back into the scene with baby peter, i was not entirely sure as to when this blackout ended and so i was relying on Jake to bring me back into the scene at the correct time.
What Id do to improve next time
If we was to re look at a similar production i would make sure that i put more effort into my costume, as when playing golf in the scene and on the mountain i still had suit trousers on and this did not look very well on stage.I also would learn my lines a lot earlier on to give me time to perfect them and make sure i had them well learnt, this would make it easier for me on stage and i would be able to put more effort into my acting as i would not be worrying or thinking about lines.

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