Sunday 2 June 2013


1). Those within class 5 are not allowed to adopt, foster or have children of there own. If they are caught having children they are likely to be arrested and have the baby removed and disposed of. This is so the class 5's eventually die out completely.

2).  Those within class 5 are not allowed to work and receive money from the government every 3 months rather than the usual every month. This is so they have poor living, with barely any food of health. Doing this means they will not live long and will speed the process of the class 5's becoming extinct.

3). Those who are in class 4 have to be in full time employment and earning a minimum of 8,000 a year, if they are not in work or are made redundant they have 2 weeks to find more work or them and there family shall be moved down to a class 5 and give all there money as compensation for there move.

4). Only people above class 3 can drive a vehicle of any sort except a golf caddy of course. If someone above class 3 wishes to drive a car they must apply to take lessons. If a class 3 wishes to drive a car he will have to pay a considerable amount more money than someone within class 2 and 1. This is in place to try and keep the lower class people all within one place.

5). People in class 4 are not allowed to have relationships with others from different classes, same with class 5. Those who are class 3 and above however will be allowed to have a relationship with anyone from any class, if they have the income to support a person may move up classes through marriage.

6). People that are in class 3 and below are restricted to having one child, of course except class 5 who are not allowed any. Class 1 and 2 do not have any limits and may have as many children as they like. This is because the larger the upper class families the larger the population of upper class people, they will eventually overtake the lower class.

7).Those within class 3 and lower and permitted to a house inspection at any time of day and night, if the house inspection officer finds anything wrong with the house they shall be instantly fined and lowered in class. a class 2 citizen shall be given 24 hours prior warning as to a house inspection, this gives them time to clean up ready, if however something is found wrong within a class 2 they are given a written warning. In class 1 there is no house inspection and its entirely up to the home owner as to how its kept.

8). Those lower than class 3 cannot vote in general elections, they have no say in the running of the country and if they are caught trying to vote they would of have broke two rules, entering the city without a pass and voting, for this they would receive there class lowered or maybe even prison.

9). Those lower than class 2 are not allowed on holiday anywhere outside of the country, there is no time limit on how long they are allowed on holiday either. However those within class 3 are only allowed to holiday to the cairngorms and area allowed to be away from there homes from a maximum of 2 weeks, this must also be agreed 4 weeks before they leave. Those in class 4 are allowed away for a week whilst those in class 5 are not allowed on holiday at all.

10). Those who are not in class 1 are not allowed to just approach a class 1 in the street and talk to them, if they approach them without consent it will be taken as a threat and body guards will call the police and have whoever approached the class 1 taken away. For doing this you would receive a fine and have to write a written apology.

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