Monday 24 June 2013


A history of Apartheid 
Apartheid was started in south Africa in  1948, after the English and dutch began to settle in the country during the seventeenth century. Apartheid laws began to take other every aspect of life, for example there were jobs for 'whites only' and marriage between a black person and a white person was prohibited. In the 1950's the population was separated into three groups a) whites ( British) b) black (African) c) Colored ( mixed decent). A persons group was then decided by a certain set of traits they may have, these traits are such things as appearance, social acceptance  and descent.  For example someone was not 'obviously white' if they had parents that were black or colored.  White people were given larger proportions of lands despite the numbers being a lot lower than blacks, as you can see from the table below.

figure 1
Apartheid did not have an end date but rather most of it's segregation legislation was dismantled between 1990 and 1992. The first fully democratic election was held in 1994; however Apartheid was already no longer practiced at that time.

How Apartheid is similar to ten tiny fingers.
Just like with Apartheid in ten tiny fingers there was segregation between people, however instead of being based on skin color  and ethnicity it was based entirely of a persons social status and wealth. Just like within Apartheid it was also unfair for those at the bottom, the living conditions were bad, for example in Apartheid blacks had 1 doctor to 44,000 people. Like Apartheid the income for people at the bottom was poor, in fact  in ten tiny fingers, those in class 5 had no income as they were unable to work at all. When a person had been categorized there was no way for him to change this in apartheid as it was based on appearance, this is similar to those in class 5, as they were unable to work, therefore being stuck there forever.

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