Wednesday 22 May 2013

Ralphs Costume

Ralph Darling

When the play starts Ralph and Lucinda are in the Caringorms on a ski-ing trip, because of this rather than Ralph's usuall outfit Ralph can be seen wearing a ski-ing outfit. His outfit I believe would be rather accentric with a bright jacket and trousers, and ski-ing goggles to complete.  I believe his outfit would look similar to the one below.

As you can see from this picture, there is the type of jacket that i believe Ralph would be wearing. I also think that he would have the hat and the goggles, my reason for believeing this is that  it would show to the audience what is going on, on stage, it would also draw instant attention towards Ralph and create humour.

Throughout the rest of the play when Ralph Darling is at home, due to his buisness nature i believe that he would wear a suit at all times, his suit would be black and his hair would be backwards but slightly to the left. His suit would always be neat and his shoes perfectly shined, he would maintain this image as he believes he is above people.
This is similar to the suit that i believe Ralph would be wearing in the play, his shirt would be crisp white, and his tie would also be neat and black. Because Ralph lifts his suit would look tight on his shoulder region.

This is how i believe Ralph's hair would be in the show, although its pushed back it would still be abit scruffy. Reason for believeing this is the pushed back shows how he's neat but the scruffyness to show how he's still only a class 3 and that people are above him.

When Ralph is not indoors within the play, like when he visists the class 5 area to speak with Pete, I believe this is the sort of jacket he would wear, it would be thick and long. It would be brown to go with her black suit.

1 comment:

  1. A good start Brad. It's always a good idea to have a clear picture of how you imagine your character to look. Make sure you share this vision with Jay as he may also have ideas of how he visualises Ralph from his viewpoint as Director.
