Tuesday 21 May 2013

Class Area

Class 5

I believe this image represents what class 5 would look like, although I believe that there will probably be fewer trees.
The reason I believe this photo resembles class 5 is the fact the building looks of a low status, cramming many flats intone building, the tower block looks cold and grotty.
However we can still see the countryside to the side of the building.

Class 4

This is what I believe class 4 properties to look like. Alike class 5 they are also flats, but these one’s are more spacious and there are 3 flats rather than a large group.  This house looks more warm and welcoming. It looks as if this is in a nicer area surrounded by more people.
We can see that each flat even has its own complimentary balcony.
As a class 4 you will still have access to local towns and even golf courses, that’s why I believe this block of flats would be more central than in class 5

Class 3

 I believe class 3 to be your average house, some bigger than others depending on the persons actual occupation. Someone as successful as ralph would like in a slightly bigger than average house.
I think that houses in class 3 would be detached but still close together, allowing people to have their space, but still there are a lot of similar houses in the surrounding area.
Class 3 houses would be in central locations, allowing it easy to make use of facilities and the
town. A class 3 house would also have more personal luxuries such as a drive and garage.

Class 2 

This would be a class 2 house the house itself set back, with gates to mark privacy. There are a lot of windows for the occupants to look out of and let light in, making this house well lit and warm. The marble outside the front door looks almost like a roman house, showing wealth and power.
The area the house is in would be rural but in a prime area, this would make it convenient yet spacious and quiet.

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